Jermyn Street was named after Henry Jermyn, courtier to the mother of King Charles II. The street was completed in the 1680’s but nothing now remains of the original buildings except for St James’ Church at the far end towards Regent Street.

There are some delightful arcades and stores in this street including

  • Piccadilly Arcade, an elegant arcade filled with traditional old stores
  • Turnbull and Asser, the famous shirtmakers, who have had a shop in this street since 1885
  • Wiltons, the famous fish and game restaurant that has been in St James since 1742
  • Floris, established in 1730 and selling fine old-fashioned scent and lotions
  • Paxton & Whitfield, established in 1797, and selling fine cheeses, hams, pates and chutneys

You can visit Jermyn Street on the shopping walk and royal walk.

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