Day trips to Stonehenge

Q: Are there tours to just Stonehenge or do you have to include Bath and Salisbury? A: This company seems to go direct to Stonehenge. Their web site says: We operate daily tours, departing from London which include Stonehenge and explore the surrounding area – rich in History, Myths, Legends and Mysteries. We also…

Free events at Christmas

Q: I am visiting London with 12 Dutch bilingual teenagers, (15-16 yrs) the week before Christmas. I would love to hear of any suitable (Christmassy) events during that week on top of the usual. Especially the ‘for free’ things. We are already planning St.Pauls Evensong. But I am short on any disco (ok, with a…

Cheap haircuts

Q: Hi, can you please tell me if there is anywhere in London where I can get a free or cheap haircut. It has to be good, though. A: Try checking out the Vidal Sassoon School of Hairdressing at 56 Davies Mews, W1Y 1A7. Tel: (020) 7318 5202. They often run offers for cheap or…

Aussie food

One of the things I missed about “home” when I first moved to London many years ago was Aussie food. For the first few years, I’d plead with my parents to send me parcels containing cherry ripes, milo bars, violet crumbles and more. Then I discovered the Australia Shop in London. An aladdin’s cave of…

A little Hidden London

There are loads of places in London which tourists would probably love to see – if they knew they existed. One of my favourites is Postmans Park, at the Barbican. Lots of memorials to civilians who have lost their lives whilst performing heroic acts. Fishing people out of rivers, pushing them out of the way…

Life in a post office queue

There is no queue quite like a post office queue. Go into any post office in London at almost any time of the day and you will see a classic British institution – the queue. You rarely see them anywhere else these days. A long line of people just standing around, looking at their watches,…

Short term luggage storage

Q: We’ll be travelling in the UK in October/November. Can you assist with advice on where to store baggage for a day when we arrive in London? We’re arriving at Heathrow on an early morning flight and don’t book into our accommodation at Highgate until late afternoon. Any assistance much appreciated. A: Your best best…