Leaving London – when and why?

Every year – usually between January and March, when the weather in London is grim – I think about heading back to Oz. And so it happened today. There I was, sitting at my laptop at 7 am on a cold and drizzly “day” (still pitch black, really, outside.) In accordance with my usual work…

English icons

http://www.icons.org.uk/ The Government has launched a web site to allow people to nominate their favourite English icons. Among those listed include the routemaster bus, stone henge, a cup of tea and the FA Cup. You can also vote for them at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4594660.stm Personally, my favourites are stone henge, the red phone box, the traditional circular…

Rail fares

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Passenger groups condemn rail fare rises another great reason for working from home as much as possible. Its incredible to think that people pay thousands of pounds a year to commute into London in cramped, smelly, unreliable trains. Give me buses anytime – and its one more reason for…

Similar christmas days

And so I spend my 13th christmas day in London. Every year I have the same classic English christmas and I love it. Lots of wonderful, traditional christmas food: turkey, veg and christmas pudding. Followed by watching films I have already seen but that seem strangely more enjoyable when watched on christmas day with a…

Christmas in London

Visit London – Christmas site As an Aussie, I have fond memories of baking hot christmas days – swimming in our family pool, riding my bike in the sunshine and playing football with my brother and mates. Sadly, I also have memories of “traditional” christmas dinners – hot roast ham, chicken, vegetables, gravy and my…