The walks on this site are self-guided and free. You simply select the walk you are interested in doing, print them out and follow them. Each walk includes directions. The walks are also available to buy as a set with maps, or as individual booklets.

Things are always changing in London. Although many of the landmarks mentioned are hopefully going to be there for years to come, others may not. Prices quoted are for guidance.
If you find a detail or price that has changed, please let us know.
The walks are not overly detailed. After all, you are probably on holiday!
They simply guide you through an area of London, highlighting key points of interest and landmarks, and including some trivia you might not know – hopefully, just enough detail to make the walks interesting.
Like any big city, London has its share of urban problems such as street crime and muggings. Although all walks take you through areas of London that are usually safe and generally busy with people, please do them in daylight hours. Besides, you get to see more that way!
The Walks
Bridges Walk
This free self-guided London walk follows parts of the Thames Path and leads you along the river front on both sides.
Royal Walk
Ripper Walk
City Walk
Cultural Walk
Riverside Pubs Walk
Legal Walk
Attractions include the area of Temple, Temple Church, the Old Bailey and the Royal Courts of Justice.